Data Definition Language (DDL) – Data Definition Language (DDL) is a language that can define data related to the creation and deletion of objects, such as tables, indexes, and even the database itself. In principle, DDL is a collection of SQL commands used to create, modify and delete structures and data type definitions from database objects.
Basic commands in DDL include:
- CREATE: used to create the database, table, view, and index 2. ALTER: used to change the table structure
- DROP: used to delete the database, table, view, and index
A. Data Type
A data type is a form of data modeling declared when making a table. This data type will affect every data entered into a table. The data to be joined must match the declared data type. Data types in MySQL consist of several types, namely text, numeric, and date data types.
Read also : Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Text Data Type
Data Type | Description |
CHAR() | A fixed section from 0 to 255 characters long |
VARCHAR() | A variable section from 0 to 255 characters long |
TINYTEXT | A string with a maximum length of 255 characters |
TEXT | A string with a maximum length of 65535 characters |
Data Type | Description |
BLOB | A binary string with a maximum length of 65535 bytes |
MEDIUMTEXT | A string with a maximum length of 16777215 characters |
MEDIUMBLOB | A string with a maximum length of 16777215 bytes |
LONGTEXT | A string with a maximum length of 4292967295 characters |
LONGBLOB | A string with a maximum length of 4292967295 bytes |
ENUM(value1,value2,…) | A string object that can only have one value, chosen from the list of ‘value1’, ‘value2’, … An ENUM can have a maximum of 65535 distinct values |
SET(value1,value2,…) | A string object that can have zero or more values, each of which must be chosen from the list of values ‘value1’, ‘value2’, … SET values can have a maximum of 64 members |
Numeric Data Type
Data Type | Description |
TINYINT() | -128 to 127 normal, 0 to 255 UNSIGNED |
SMALLINT() | -32768 to 32767 normal, 0 to 65535 UNSIGNED |
MEDIUMINT() | -8388608 to 8388607 normal, 0 to 16777215 UNSIGNED |
INT() | -2147483648 to 2147483647 normal, 0 to 4294967295 UNSIGNED |
BIGINT() | -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 normal, 0 to 18446744073709551615 UNSIGNED |
FLOAT(M,D) | A small number with a floating decimal point |
DOUBLE(M,D) | A large number with a floating decimal point |
DECIMAL(M,D) | A fixed decimal point |
BIT() | Bit values (0 or 1) |
The numeric data types are FLOAT, DOUBLE, and DECIMAL. The value M indicates the total number of digits, while D shows the number of digits after the decimal point. For example, if any column is defined as FLOAT(7,4), it will look like 999.9999.
Date Data Type
Data Type | Description |
DATE | YYYY-MM-DD (3 byte) |
TIME | HH:MM:SS (3 byte) |
YEAR | YYYY (1 byte) |
B. Constraints
Constraints are restrictions or rules that exist in a table. MySQL provides several types of constraints, namely:
A column defined with the NOT NULL constraint means that the column cannot contain NULL values (cannot be empty). The column that functions as an automatic primary key cannot be NULL.
Read also : MySQL Query
A column defined with a UNIQUE constraint means that the column is unique. One data with other data cannot have the same name.
PRIMARY KEY constraints establish a unique key for a table.
The FOREIGN KEY constraint is defined in a column that is in a table, where that column also belongs to the table, which is a PRIMARY KEY. This constraint is usually used to link two tables.
C. Creating, Selecting, and Deleting Databases
Making a database name cannot contain spaces and cannot have the same name between databases. The command to create a database is as follows:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE databasename;
The database that has been successfully created can be viewed with the following command:
Before creating a table, you must first select an active database that will be used to store the tables. To choose which database to use is as follows:
mysql> USE databasename
The USE command is the same as the QUIT command, without a semicolon (;) at the end. However, if you want to use a semicolon, it becomes no problem.
Read also : MySQL
To find out which database is currently being used, you can use the following command:
If a database has been created and then deleted, then the data stored in the database will also be deleted. To delete the database, namely by using the command:
mysql> DROP DATABASE databasename;
D. Creating and Deleting Tables
The table is the main object that must exist in a database because all data will be stored in it. The table is located in a database, so table creation is done after a database has been created first. In a table, there are rows and columns. Rows are termed recordsets, and columns are termed fields.
To create a table, use the following command:
mysql> CREATE TABLE tablename(columnname1, datatype1, columnname2, datatype2, …);
To display whether the created table has been successfully added to the database, use the following command:
To display the table structure in the form of data type and recordset length that has been created, use the following command:
mysql> DESCRIBE tablename;
To delete the table that has been created, use the following command:
mysql> DROP TABLE tablename;
F. Creating and Deleting Primary Keys
In creating a database, a record whose data cannot be the same as other records will be found. To avoid duplicate data, a column must be made, which is declared as the primary key, whereas in a table, there can only be a maximum of one primary key. The command for creating the primary key is as follows:
mysql> CREATE TABLE tablename(columnname1 datatype1 PRIMARY KEY, columnname2 datatype2, …);
mysql> CREATE TABLE tablename(columnname1 datatype1, columnname2datatype2, …, PRIMARY KEY(columnname1);
mysql> ALTER TABLE tablename ADD CONSTRAINT nameconstraint PRIMARY KEY (columnname);
In deleting a primary key there are two ways, namely:
1. If the primary key is created using CREATE TABLE
2. If the primary key is created using ALTER TABLE
mysql> ALTER TABLE tablename DROP CONSTRAINT nameconstraint;
G. Create a Unique Column (Unique)
A unique column is a column form that does not allow twin data. If there is a data input process with twin data, then the process will be failed or rejected by the database. The command for creating a unique column is as follows:
mysql> CREATE TABLE tablename(columnname1 datatype1, columnname2 datatype2, …, UNIQUE(columnname1));
H. Modifications to the Table
Some changes to the table that can be made include the following:
Rename the table
mysql> RENAME TABLEold_tablename TO new_tablename; or
mysql> ALTER TABLE old_tablename RENAME new_tablename;
Add a new column to the table
mysql> ALTER TABLE tablename ADD new_columnname new_datatype;
or (put the new column at the beginning/left side of the table)
mysql> ALTER TABLE tablename ADD new_columnname new_datatype FIRST;
or (insert new column after specified column)
mysql> ALTER TABLE tablename ADD new_columnname new_datatype AFTER old_columnname;
Change the column names in the table
mysql> ALTER TABLE tablename CHANGE old_columnname new_columnname new_datatype;
Change the data type or column width in the table
mysql> ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY columnname datatype;
Adding a primary key to an existing column
mysql> ALTER TABLE table name ADD PRIMARY KEY (column name);
Delete columns in the table
mysql> ALTER TABLE tablename DROP columnname;
Delete all data in the table
mysql> TRUNCATE TABLE tablename;